Table Talk: Jesus Goes To Nazareth


April 24, 2022


Jen Taylor


January 28, 2022


Jen Taylor

Jesus had begun his mission to the world by teaching and preaching, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and turning water into wine. This story takes place when he returns to his hometown of Nazareth where the people who knew him as a boy didn’t recognize Him but were glad to have some face time with Him. Jesus was preaching in the synagogues about sick people, poor people and people in prison. The people were upset and Jesus reminded them that the Lord doesn’t play favorites. He helped the widows and the Lepers and the people who were truly at the bottom, down on their luck. Jesus’ work in the world was to show everyone that God’s love is for all.  Table Talk Questions1. Why were the people of Nazareth upset with Jesus?2. Who can you help today that others may not think of?3. Think of someone who is sick, pray for that person to know God loves him or her.  For additional activities, visit the google drive: Jesus goes to Nazareth