Green Team: WHAT CAN I DO?


February 16, 2023



February 16, 2023


Welcome to the new section of The Green Corner that began last week. We’ll focus on actions that we as individuals can take to heal our planet. This is a place to share ideas and changes that you’ve made.

Let’s deal with a product that permeates our lives: plastic. Almost all plastic is made from chemicals derived from fossil fuels. According to a study described in a 2021 issue of Environmental Research, burning fossil fuels causes 10.2 million people to die every year. Decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned will slow the rate of climate change.

Plastic pollutes our land, rivers, oceans, and is even found in the Arctic and Antarctic. Microplastics are in fish, human blood and placentas. Twenty to 500 years pass while plastic decomposes.

It’s very difficult to stop using plastic. But we can cut down.

IDEA: Wash Ziploc bags with dish detergent and water and reuse.

What ideas can you share? Send them to for inclusion in The Green Corner.